Your guide from fjord to mountain

Opening hours

We operate year-round, ensuring continuous service and support throughout all seasons.

 357 days a year with hiking, biking, climbing and skiing.

Days where we are closed for business;

1. of January and 17.of May ( National day in Norway) and 23-26 Desember

Adventures every day, but our office time is:

Monday – Friday 09:00 – 15:00

Saturday/ Sunday: Closed office, out hiking with clients.


Note that if we do not answer you immediately, we are on the mountain and will answer as soon as we have the opportunity. Email:

Meeting point: Strandkaien 3, 5012 Bergen. In front of VisitBergen the official tourist information.

Postal address: Norway Mountain guides AS , Storebotn 7, 5309 Kleppestø, Norway.